
新邮快讯 nopaio.com 2019.10.11

  世邮网讯: 罗马尼亚2019年10月11日发行绘画中的罗马尼亚统治者邮票,图案分别为康斯坦丁·布兰科维雅努、格里戈里二世、·勇敢者迈克尔、斯蒂芬大帝。

  第一枚邮票Lei 1.50(1Lei=1.65Yuan)为科斯坦丁·布兰科夫努肖像,在20年初由一位匿名画家绘制,现藏于罗马尼亚国家艺术博物馆,画的灵感来自西奈山(1696)在圣凯瑟琳修道院发现的肖像。康斯坦丁·布兰科维雅努(Constantin Brancoveanu)在1688年至1714年间曾是瓦拉奇亚(Wallachia)的统治者,是罗马尼亚公国历史上统治时间最长的统治者之一。

  罗马尼亚国家艺术博物馆的藏品中还包括由西奥多·阿曼(Theodor Aman 1869年)创作的格里戈里二世(Grigore II Ghika)肖像,邮票面额为Lei 1.60。Grigore II Ghica在Phanariot时代是摩尔多瓦和Wallachia的统治者。米格·拉科维塔(Mihai Racovita)被免职后,尼古拉·马夫罗科达(Nicolae Mavrocordat)将他带到了摩尔多瓦(Grigore I Ghica)的侄子手中。

  面值Lei 7的邮票上,米歇尔·波普(Misu Popp,1881年)创建的布拉索夫美术馆收藏着勇敢者迈克尔(Michael the Brave)的肖像,他是布拉索夫的骄傲,受人尊敬和挚爱的儿子。勇敢的迈克尔(Michael the Brave)在1593-1600年间曾是瓦拉奇亚(Wallachia)的统治者。在一段时间内,他实际上是构成今天的罗马尼亚的三个中世纪大国的领导人:瓦拉奇亚,特兰西瓦尼亚和摩尔多瓦。在登基之前,他曾担任以下职务:斯特雷伊亚(Strehaia)的州长,皇家管家和克拉约瓦的班(Ban of Craiova)。

  邮票面值Lei 19的邮票以图形方式描绘了斯蒂芬大帝的肖像,该肖像由画家康斯坦丁·莱卡(Constantin Lecca,1830年)完成,画家属于雅多国家博物馆,位于摩尔多瓦国家博物馆大楼内。他被罗马尼亚东正教教堂誉为斯蒂芬大帝和圣人,在1457年至1504年间是摩尔多瓦的统治者。

  在该邮票的首日封上,描绘了尼古拉· 格里格雷斯库(Nicolae Grigorescu,1857年)创作的题为《加卢加尼的迈克尔·勇敢者》(Michael the Brave in Calugareni),该作品目前在罗马尼亚国家艺术博物馆展出。卡卢加雷尼战役是奥斯曼帝国与瓦拉契亚人之间的冲突的一部分,也是奥斯曼帝国运动的一部分,该运动旨在取代勇敢的迈克尔,并将瓦拉奇亚和摩尔多瓦转变为奥斯曼帝国的省。


  Romfilatelia introduces in circulation on Friday, October 11th, curent year, the postage stamps issue entitled “Romanian rulers in painting”, illustrating on canvas portraits of the Romanian rulers.

  The first postage stamps of the issue of postage stamps with the face value of Lei 1.50 shows the portrait of Constantin Brancoveanu, composed by an anonymous painter at the beginning of the 20th century, a painting that belongs to the patrimony of the National Art Museum of Romania, inspired by a portrait found at The Saint Catherine Monastery from Mount Sinai (1696). Constantin Brancoveanu was the ruler of the Wallachia between 1688 and 1714, having one of the longest reigns in the history of the Romanian Principalities.

  The portrait of Grigore II Ghika created by Theodor Aman (1869), illustrated on the postage stamp with the face value of Lei 1.60, is also included in the collection of the National Museum of Art of Romania. Grigore II Ghica was the ruler of Moldova and of Wallachia in the Phanariot times. Nephew of Grigore I Ghica, he was brought to the throne of Moldova by Nicolae Mavrocordat, after the dismissal of Mihai Racovita.

  On the postage stamp with the face value of Lei 7 there is a reproduction of Michael the Brave’s portrait in the collection of the Art Museum in Brasov, created by Misu Popp (1881), a valuable, respected and beloved son of Brasov. Michael the Brave was the ruler of Wallachia between 1593-1600. For a period, he was a de facto leader of the three great medieval countries that make up the Romania of today: Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldova. Before ascending to the throne, as a boyar, he held the positions as: Banisor of Strehaia, Royal Steward and Ban of Craiova.

  The postage stamp with the face value of Lei 19 graphically depicts the portrait of Stephen the Great, achieved by the painter Constantin Lecca (1830), belonging to the National Museum of Art in Iasi within “Moldova” National Museum Complex. Canonized as Stephen the Great and Saint by the Romanian Orthodox Church, he was the ruler of Moldova between 1457 and 1504.

  On the “first day” cover of the issue, the painting entitled Michael the Brave in Calugareni, painted by Nicolae Grigorescu (1857), which is currently at the National Museum of Art of Romania, is illustrated. The Battle of Calugareni was part of the Ottoman-Wallachian conflict and part of the Ottoman campaign aimed at replacing Michael the Brave and transforming Wallachia and Moldova into Ottoman provinces.

  Romfilatelia thanks the National Museum of Art of Romania, the Museum of Art in Iasi within the “Moldova” National Museum Complex and the Museum of Art in Brasov for the documentary support granted to the achievement of this postage stamps issue.

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